The Bulgarian operator NRTS Digital distribution platform once again made changes of some parameters at the multiplex on satellite Intelsat 33e. Packet switched from 16APSK on lower modulation modulation 8PSK. The FEC has been increased from 2/3 to 5/6 and symbol rate increased from 8000 ksymb/s on 8331.
Multiplex works still in the mode of multistream and for receiving a package of free Bulgarian stations is required or set-top box DVB PC card that supports this mode.
Even after changing the parameters remains cast of multiplex the same. In addition to public programs, and BNT BNT1 BNT2 HD at SD resolution here and broadcast programs of private broadcasters like CTV, BG on AIR and Nova TV. All are broadcast in MPEG-4/h.264 and FTA.
the new technical parameters-NURTS Digital platform:
• Intelsat 33e (60 ° E) freq 11.078 GHz, pol. V, SR 8331, FEC, 5/6, DVB-S2/8PSK/stream 3, FTA
-BNT HD (at SD)
-BG on AIR
-Nova TV Bulgaria