I started again Friday morning.
My first concern was the focus. The specified focal distance was 1372mm. First I measured the dish diameter - 3660mm, then the distace from the faceplate to the crossing point of the strings. This was actually 60cm, rather than the 61cm specified by Prodeline. So using the formula
F = Diam * Diam / 16 * Depth
I have a computed focal length of 1395mm, some 2cm more than specified as measured this from the front of the throat. Channel Hopper has now suggested the focal point should be 1cm inside the scaler ring, which would reduce the focal length by some 1.5cm. Adding the two errors together should make me about right, but there is still an uncertainty as to the best position.
Before I could do any more, Corviello arrived. We went through the string test again and the laser alignment. He though they were both fine. He then tried adjusting the LNB orientation with his own meter.
Then he noticed a strange thing. When he climbed the ladder to move the LNB, the signal level rose by about 1 dB. Coming away from the dish, it fell again. So covering up part of the left side of the dish gave a stronger signal (048.jpg). He suggested there could be an error in the azimuth setting.
So we tried moving the dish. But as before, as we shifted it away from the maximum, the signal level fell. Then he moved it even more in the easterly direction. From nothing, the signal suddenly shot up to a peak far higher than before. In my first alignment, I must have been receiving the stronger signals on the first side lobe of the dish.
Now the readings were much more sensible. The output on 10964H was 79.6dB compared with 75.8dB on the 1.2m Channel Master, a near 4dB improvement. (Photo 049.jpg has Corviello on the right and me on ther left). After a little more fine tuning, we went into the house to check.
The Full Montey!
BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4,5 etc. on all vertical and horizontal transponders. Even by 6pm BST, we were still showing 70%-80% signal quality on all channels. Last night my wife watched Casualty on BBC1 at 9pm BST for the first time in years.
So many thanks to everyone who provided hints and advice and especially to Corviello who took the time and trouble to help me out. Could I do better - possibly as there is still the focus issue. But for now I have just bolted everyhing up light to sit back and enjoy the show.
Strictly Come Dancing - Ahh!