Reworking/reballing gpus and bga chips is a good art. Won't go into it, but it's a steep learning curve and buying the correct pc controlled equipment makes a really big difference. Stay away from the cheap Chinese crap. Plenty of patience is a must.
I'll get a bit into it. Had a go on a few dedicated Nvidia gpus. Each board and solder type makes a big difference. Don't heat it up enough and the solder wont reflow back onto the correct places. Meaning when you play a video game and the gpu gets hot and things start to flex then the solder conncections break and can sometimes rip the track up from the board. If you apply too much heat all the solder goes like water and the entire lot goes splat lol. Then it really is a rework pull the chip off job.
There's been a few times where someone's brought some equipment to me as well where the original repairers haven't used a jig the the board doesn't flex. That makes a huge difference.
If you'd like some heat putting onto your card VS, I can have a go as we've got some nice ir gear. It helps when you can input the chip size, board thickness solder type, etc into the programme and it sets everything up for you.
Hi Hixxy ...
About 12 months ago My friend and I went half shares in a very nice IR6000 reball/rework station..
Very expensive (for us that is) ..but we have successfully replaced a Hanna chip on my own Xbox ...and reballed a couple of Xbox Gpus ...One was successful ..the other not so much..
I have also used it to re-flow a GPU in a laptop...
I would have prefered to reball as I dont trust re-flows....but had problems getting the neccessary template.
We are very much still on a learning curve with this unit ...but found the best way to pre-ball the chip prior to refitting ...was a cheap £20 single plate hob bought off ebay ..
It had limited temp control ..but once the chip was fluxed and the balls applied with a template...the chip could then be toasted for a short while on the hob ..until the solderballs liquified ..making it possible to clean ..flux again and place on the pcb before using the IR6000..
Do you use a similar technique ?