Astra 1H is probably moving to 31.5 east due to the delayed launch of Astra 5B to 1st qtr 2014
As for Astra 2E the satellite is due to move to 28.2 east before the end of 2013 to full-fill the current contract to allow the release of Astra 1N to 19.2 east,
The current delay of astra 2E move to 28.2 east is probably due to all SES Atra efforts going into the movement of Astra 1H to 31.5 east as new services are due to start there within the next 2 weeks,
Then all the resources will be moved to Astra 2E they used to be able to do this more efficiently in the passed maybe they do not have enough skilled technicians to move 2 satellites at the same time ?
Current status of All SES Astra Satellites in Europe.
SES Astra Satellites in Europe 27/11/13 an update
1988 Astra 1A (AS-4000) retired
1991 Astra 1B (AS-5000) retired
1993 Astra 1C (HS-601) (2° E incl. 5.8°)
1994 Astra 1D (HS-601) (52.0°E incl. 4.9°)
1995 Astra 1E, (HS-601 (31.2°E incl. 2.5°)
1996 Astra1F (HS-601) 54.9°E
1997 Astra 1G,(BSS-601HP) 31.5° east
1999 Astra 1H, (BSS-601HP) 19.2°east) now 43 east moving West to a new location probably 31.5° east
Astra 1H redeployed @ 31.5 east soon due to the delayed launch of Astra 5B now put back to January 2014,
2006 Astra 1KR (A2100AXS) 19.2° east
2007 Astra 1L (A2100AXS) 19.2 east
2008 Astra 1M (Eurostar-3000) 19.2° east
2011 Astra 1N (Eurostar-3000) @ 28.2° east due to move to 19.2° east very soon,
1998 Astra 2A (BSS-601HP) 28.2° east
2000 Astra 2B (Eurostar-2000+) 19.4°E
2001 Astra 2C (BSS-601HP) 19.2° east
2000 Astra 2D (BSS-376HP) {Spinner stabilised} 28.0°E Astra 2D (incl. 0.9°) update
2012 Astra 2F (Eurostar-3000) 28.2° east
2013 Astra 2E (Eurostar-3000) 28.2° east (Testing completed @ 43.5 east)
2014 Astra 2G (Eurostar-3000) 28.2° east (launch now scheduled for 2nd qtr 2014)
2002 Astra 3A (BSS-376HP) {Spinner stabilised} (to be relocated) now @ 112.6°W moving West
2009 Astra 3B (Eurostar-3000) 23.5° east
2007 Astra 4A (A2100AXS) 4.8° east (Sirius-4)
2012 SES 4 (LS-1300) 22.0°W
2012 SES 5 (LS-1300) 5.0°E
2013 SES 6 (Eurostar-3000) 40.5°W
2014 Astra 5B (Eurostar-3000) 31.5° E launch now scheduled for January 2014
1997 Astra 5A (Spacebus-3000B2) (Sirius-2) now @ 135.56° east inclined 2.51°
List compiled in launch sequence for each group.