Certainly is a warm 'un today, managed to strim the weed bed that we call a lawn out the front, and found the 12mm socket bit I dropped from the ladders while putting up my Z2 minidish some weeks ago, also found that the Flymo Mini-Trim is useless against big, almost woody weeds (I don't know the name of the stuff, looks like celery but the stems form a hollow tube), it eats the cheap plastic "wires" in no time, might have to rig something up with a bit of solid-core telephone wire or something, just to give it some balls... O-Ha
But I am so glad I bought me a desk fan on Sunday though (oh yeah, forgot to mention I won £95 on Saturday's lottery, which pleased me no end!!
), I've got it sat ontop of the stack of boxes in the corner of my bedroom and it's working a treat, shame the humid air makes it feel like I'm being blown with warm custard though...
Oh, and if anyone's thinking of buying those Fridgemaster brand fans from Currys, buy some 3-in-1 oil too cos they forgot to lube the sleeve bearings in the motors, which I had to do with mine cos on slow speed it was like it was trying to stir treacle, but after oiling, it works beautifully, at least, for a cheap PRC-made fan... O-Ha