Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22543.1000]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Všetky práva vyhradené.
e:\TV\TSDuckBeta\bin>tsp --verbose -I file T2MI.ts -P t2mi -P analyze -o analyze.txt -O file extract.ts
* file: unknown initial input bitrate
* t2mi: using PID 0x0040 (64) to extract T2-MI stream
* t2mi: extracting PLP 0x66 (102)
* t2mi: extracted 139,794 TS packets from 5,463 T2-MI packets
problem detect PID from PMT insert manual
e:\TV\TSDuckBeta\bin>tsp --verbose -I file T2MI.ts -P t2mi --pid 0x1000 -P analyze -o analyze.txt -O file extract.t2mi.ts
* file: unknown initial input bitrate
* t2mi: extracting PLP 0x00 (0)
* t2mi: extracted 1,270,801 TS packets from 37,860 T2-MI packets
source file
output file
| Transport Stream Id: ....... 3071 (0x0BFF) | Services: .............. 1 |
| Bytes: ........................ 26,281,272 | PID's: Total: ......... 10 |
| TS packets: ...................... 139,794 | Clear: ......... 10 |
| With invalid sync: .................. 0 | Scrambled: ...... 0 |
| With transport error: ............... 0 | With PCR's: ..... 1 |
| Suspect and ignored: ................ 0 | Unreferenced: ... 0 |
| Transport stream bitrate, based on ....... 188 bytes/pkt 204 bytes/pkt |
| User-specified: ................................... None None |
| Estimated based on PCR's: ................ 6,799,979 b/s 7,378,700 b/s |
| Selected reference bitrate: .............. 6,799,979 b/s 7,378,700 b/s |
| Broadcast time: ................................... 30 sec (0 min 30 sec) |
| First TDT UTC time stamp: ........................... 2017/09/07 11:24:56 |
| Last TDT UTC time stamp: ............................ 2017/09/07 11:25:26 |
| First TOT local time stamp: ..................................... Unknown |
| Last TOT local time stamp: ...................................... Unknown |
| TOT country code: .............................................. Unknown |
| Srv Id Service Name Access Bitrate |
| 0x17FD CANAL CAPITAL ................................ C 6,468,526 b/s |
| |
| Note 1: C=Clear, S=Scrambled |
| Note 2: Unless specified otherwise, bitrates are based on 188 bytes/pkt |
| Global PID's |
| TS packets: 6,814, PID's: 6 (clear: 6, scrambled: 0) |
| PID Usage Access Bitrate |
| Total Global PID's ................................. C 331,452 b/s |
| Subt. Global PSI/SI PID's (0x00-0x1F) .............. C 33,272 b/s |
| 0x0000 PAT .......................................... C 15,031 b/s |
| 0x0001 CAT .......................................... C 15,031 b/s |
| 0x0010 NIT .......................................... C 195 b/s |
| 0x0011 SDT/BAT ...................................... C 1,508 b/s |
| 0x0014 TDT/TOT ...................................... C 1,508 b/s |
| 0x1FFF Stuffing ..................................... C 298,181 b/s |
| Service: 0x17FD (6141), TS: 0x0BFF (3071), Original Netw: 0x20AA (8362) |
| Service name: CANAL CAPITAL, provider: CANAL CAPITAL |
| Service type: 0x01 (Digital television service) |
| TS packets: 132,980, PID's: 4 (clear: 4, scrambled: 0) |
| PMT PID: 0x0BC2 (3010), PCR PID: 0x0BC3 (3011) |
| PID Usage Access Bitrate |
| Total Digital television service ................... C 6,468,526 b/s |
| 0x0BC2 PMT .......................................... C 15,031 b/s |
| 0x0BC3 AVC video (1920x1080, high profile, level 4.0 C 6,299,979 b/s |
| 0x0BC4 MPEG-1 Audio (Audio layer II, 128 kb/s, @48,0 C 137,902 b/s |
| 0x0BC7 Subtitles (spa, DVB subtitles, no aspect rati C 15,614 b/s |
| (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) |