I just tried the Zinwell + AV-comm against a Co-Rotor 2 with Norsat & Patriot PLL and a 1990 Chaparral 17k DRO on the tin dish. I did all the tests on 40.5W and EBSPro scans gave between 72 and 75 TPs. Some low SR TPs were missed on the Zinwell but could be manually tuned in a few cases. Without going through a heap of data, there isn't much to chose between the Zinwell + AVC and the Co-rotor + Chaparral or Patriot 3515. The CoRotor + Norsat 3220 had a slight edge.
The interesting thing noted was that small tweaks were needed in the skew to optimise signal when changing frequency. That makes sense if it's caused by the polariser frequency slope or nulling of the unwanted polarisation. It makes the EBSPro scans, using the CoRotor, look worse than they would be if the system had per-channel skew stored. BM, your new feed will do linear and circular without removing the plate (as does my CoRotor). I'm not sure how much you lose in linear mode though. It would be interesting to try a Chaparral type polariser with the AVComm barrel. L?
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