For what it is worth I have attached a picture below that presents my miserable attempt at locking some of the circular polarity frequencies currently transmitting from 36.0E. The test was a failure, not a single circular polarity frequency locked.
I did two scan types, one with a normal linear polarity LNB setup, the other with a Swedish Microwave Ku polariser placed inline between the C120 LNB and the dish Ku feed. The table attached below has separate columns to present the signal levels measured with and without the SMW XD12 polariser.
I could "see" three of the circular polarity signals from Express AMU1 using the signal level indicator of a Dr HD F15 receiver but they were way under the level required for a lock. I also tried the trick of testing the reverse polarity on the circular frequencies as mentioned by previous contributors to this topic, again, no success.
No excuses, the test was a total failure. I may have to install something a bit more suited to the task if I wish to have any hope of locking these circular polarity frequencies...
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