Good evening, dear All. I was also following the recent developments regarding testing activities on ASTRA 2F here in Yerevan, Armenia (eastern neighbour of Turkey). Yesterday the following 4 transponders were being tested and I managed to lock them with a fabulous, incredibly high strength:
12227 H; 12246 V; 12304 H; 12324 V. Unfortunately, today only the last two are active but their intensity is simply impressive. In addition, among other users I also had a chance to pick some testing signal in DVB-S2 ACM/VCM, as well as 16/32 APSK modulation from 11817 V and it was not an interference of Turksat as in that case it would remain stable, meanwhile noticed weak temporary carriers on 10876V; 11537 V and much weaker locks on repeatedly mentioned 12401 V; 12460H. Thus, it can be assumed that ASTRA 2F is capable of transmitting signal in this bands:
11700-12100MHz (Band E)
12100-12500MHz (Band F)
10700-10950MHz (Band D UK spot beam) and possibly
11200-11450MHz and 11450-11700 (Bands A & B respectively which entails in paving the way for confrontation with Eutelsat)