Astra 2G: Iberia & Balearics Reports


Assembled with recycled parts
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
90cm motorised dishes(98x90)+fixed+multiLNB+24Unicable.
Currently 56 satellites, 61°West to 57°East.

Octagon SF8008 4K Twin, VU+Duo², VU+Ultimo4K.
Recycled as the owner.
My Location
North of Madrid (28703 Spain) -3Km of IKEA (40.545847, -3.612012).:-)
Daniel74 partner with small antenna also indicates:
El compañero Daniel74 tambien con antena pequeña, indica:
Hello from 1 day ago I lost frequencies astra 2g 11068V, 11097V and emit Stv 11126v where hd, hd UTV, ITV and Channel 4 hd hd, I entered with 50% signal, someone has got it or that has moved me the antenna?

The antenna did not move, but that does not stop "dancing" is the signal Astra2G as UK footprint is critical, probably lost channels.
La antena no se movio, pero el que no para de "bailar" es el Astra2G y como la señal de la huella UK es critica, perdio los canales seguramente.

These channels are moved to the UK beam Astra2G/Estos canales se movieron al Astra2G beam UK el 17-6-2015.

See the circle of Astra2G, not wasted, the second graph allows you to see the variation of the orbital position, each circle is a day.
Mirar el circulo del Astra2G, no tiene desperdicio, la segunda grafica permite ver la variacion de la posicion orbital, cada circulo es un dia.

Leave a photo, they are updated daily/Dejo una foto, se actualizan diariamente (28.52 <==> 28.24).


Adjusted length values as usual/Ajustada la longitud, valores como siempre.
11067 = 9.50dB Señal/SNR59% AGC99% BER 0 ITV Encore HD (DVB-S2)
11097 = 9.00dB Señal/SNR56% AGC99% BER 0 21000/10/20/30 (ITV HD)(DVB-S2)
11126 = 9.50dB Señal/SNR59% AGC99% BER 1 Channel 4 HD (DVB-S)




PD:Buena pesca/Good fishing.
Last edited:


Regular Member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
1.8m PF 28.2E, 61cm 19.2E+13E, 34cm 5W, 1.25m PF motorized
mirage 1704HD, DM500S, skystar USB, Sathunter sh200
My Location
Portalegre, Portugal
a small nudge awarded me with BBCs, C4 and a few others, I'll try to check snr, but HD is nonexixtant, and lots of SD still missing.
Guess I'll have to move further north this time, I'm running out of space in the yard for bigger dishes.


Assembled with recycled parts
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
90cm motorised dishes(98x90)+fixed+multiLNB+24Unicable.
Currently 56 satellites, 61°West to 57°East.

Octagon SF8008 4K Twin, VU+Duo², VU+Ultimo4K.
Recycled as the owner.
My Location
North of Madrid (28703 Spain) -3Km of IKEA (40.545847, -3.612012).:-)
28'2ºEste signal levels from Madrid, 07/19/2015 and 07/20/2015, and requires less to make ends meet.
A month end touches the beginning of the end, then to compare levels.

Niveles de señal en 28'2ºEste desde Madrid, 20~19-7-2015, ya falta menos para final de mes.
A final de mes toca el principio del fin, niveles para comparar entonces.

94cm antenna motorized, north of Madrid, 48 satellites within range.
Antena de 94cm motorizada, en el norte de Madrid, 48 satelites a tiro.

Tuner DreamBox800S-HD 19-7-2015 23:00 hora local (21:00 GMT).
10714  =  8.50dB Señal/SNR53% AGC99% BER 3 Channel4 (c4l)
10729  =  9.00dB Señal/SNR56% AGC99% BER 0 e4, Channel4+1
10744  =  8.50dB Señal/SNR53% AGC99% BER 35 RTE One
10758  = 10.00dB Señal/SNR62% AGC99% BER 0 ITV
10773  =  8.50dB Señal/SNR53% AGC99% BER 23 1BBC 1 London
10788  =  9.50dB Señal/SNR59% AGC99% BER 0 BBC 1 Wales
10803  =  8.50dB Señal/SNR53% AGC99% BER 23 BBC 1 Scotland
10817  =  9.50dB Señal/SNR59% AGC99% BER10 BBC 1 Oxford
10832  =  8.50dB Señal/SNR53% AGC99% BER 32 ITV HD
10847  =  9.00dB Señal/SNR59% AGC99% BER 0 BBC One HD
10862  =  8.50dB Señal/SNR53% AGC99% BER 0
10876  = 10.00dB Señal/SNR65% AGC99% BER 0 Nickelodeon
10891  =  9.00dB Señal/SNR56% AGC99% BER 5 ITV +1
10906  = 10.50dB Señal/SNR65% AGC99% BER 0 STV
10935  =  9.50dB Señal/SNR56% AGC99% BER 0 ITV HD
10964  =  9.00dB Señal/SNR56% AGC99% BER 0 Channel 5
10994  =  8.50dB Señal/SNR53% AGC99% BER 36 ITV HD
11022  =  8.50dB Señal/SNR53% AGC99% BER 0 BBC 1 Scot HD
11053  =  0.00dB +++++++++++++++++++ BER 1024 20730/20740/ITV2HD/ITV4HD***KO**.
11067  =  8.50dB Señal/SNR53% AGC99% BER 0 ITV Encore HD
11082H22.56= 18.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 BT Sport / ESPN UK ($) ******NEW
11097V  =  7.50dB Señal/SNR46% AGC99% BER 0 21000/10/20/30 (ITV HD)
11112H22.56= 18.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Cartoon Network UK **********NEW
11126  =  7.50dB Señal/SNR46% AGC99% BER 230 Channel 4 HD
11141H22.56= 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Comedy Central UK +1  *******NEW
11171H22.56= 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Al Jazeera English (fta) ****NEW
11224V(C2L)= 18.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 RT HD
11224H(C1L)= 16.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Greatest Hits
11264H(C1U)= 17.50dB Señal/SNR71% AGC99% BER 0 horror channel
11264V(C2U)= 17.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 B4U Music 
11307H(C3 )=  8.50dB Señal/SNR53% AGC99% BER 0
11307V(C3 )=  9.00dB Señal/SNR56% AGC99% BER 0 Flava Bliss Scuzz
11343V(C4 )=  9.50dB Señal/SNR59% AGC99% BER 0 CBS Reality
11344H(C4 )=  9.00dB Señal/SNR56% AGC99% BER 0 E!, E!+1
11386H(C5L)=  8.00dB Señal/SNR50% AGC99% BER 0 xxxxxxxxx (11389H27500 2/3 DVB-S)
11386V(C6L)=  9.00dB Señal/SNR56% AGC99% BER 0 xxxxxxxxx (11390V27500 2/3 DVB-S)
11426V(C6U)=  9.00dB Señal/SNR53% AGC99% BER 0 FRANCE 24 eng
11426H(C5U)=  8.00dB Señal/SNR50% AGC99% BER 0 Fashion One/LBP TV
11464H22.56= 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 CCTV **************************NEW
11479V22.56= 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 TVC News(fta)More Movies+1($)**NEW
11509V22.56= 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 MTV Live HD UK ($) ************NEW
11538V23.23x 18.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 &TV HD*******************NEW
11553H22.56= 17.50dB Señal/SNR71% AGC99% BER 0 Noor TV UK **************NEW
11568V22.56= 17.50dB Señal/SNR71% AGC99% BER 0 RT English (fta)*********NEW
11582H22.56= 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 ************************ NEW
11597V23.89x 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 BT Sport 1 HD ********** NEW
11672H22.56= 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 ************** NEW
11686V22.56= 19.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 ************** NEW
11720  = 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Lifetime HD
11739V295.34x18.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Syfy UK HD ******** 8.07.2015
11758  = 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Animal Plnt HD
11778  = 17.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 TMS (datos => TV)
11797  = 17.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Channel5 HD
11817  = 18.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0
11836  = 17.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Sky Action
11856  = 17.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 E4 HD
11875  = 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0
11895  = 17.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0
11914  = 17.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Pick, cambio=>Disney
11934  = 17.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Sky Intro
11953H275.23=18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0
11992  = 19.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Dave
12012  = 19.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Sky Family HD
12051  = 18.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 SONY TV Asia
12070  = 18.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Sky Games (datos)
12090  = 17.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0
12110  = 19.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Cartoonito
12148  = 19.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0
12168  = 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0
12188  = 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0
12207  = 18.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Pick/Pick+1/Sky News
12226H  = 19.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 TCM HD
12246  = 18.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0
12265  = 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 BabyTV
12285  = 18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0
12324  = 19.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0
12344  = 19.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0
12363  = 18.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0
12382H  = 18.00dB**************Fin Cero  ******** 16-7-2015
12422H  = *********************Fin Cero  ******** 14-7-2015
12441V295.34=18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 DVB-S2/QPSK HEVC Astra UltraHD Demo
12460  = 17.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 Sky Arts 1 HD
12480  = 18.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 The Box/Kiss/Kerrang
12515  = 18.50dB **************Fin Cero  ******** 16-7-2015
12520  = 18.00dB **************Fin Cero  ******** 16-7-2015
12522V2253/4=19.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 DVB-S2 ACM/VCM DATA.
12545  = 18.00dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 ===> Ramadam TV .....Ramadam....Fin
12552V2253/4x18.50dB Señal/SNR100 AGC99% BER 0 DATA
Copias tp's fin/end
12604H225.6= 17.00dB ****************Fin Cero  ******** 18-7-2015
12610 0  = 17.00dB ****************Fin Cero  ******** Kiss Magic RT
12633 0  = 17.00dB ****************Fin Cero  ******** Al Jazeera
12640 0  = 16.50dB ****************Fin Cero  ******** TVC News
12663 0  = 16.50dB ****************Fin Cero  ******** Euronews
12670V23.23x=15.50dB ****************Fin Cero  ******** 18-7-2015 &TV HD

To be continued ....


Assembled with recycled parts
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
90cm motorised dishes(98x90)+fixed+multiLNB+24Unicable.
Currently 56 satellites, 61°West to 57°East.

Octagon SF8008 4K Twin, VU+Duo², VU+Ultimo4K.
Recycled as the owner.
My Location
North of Madrid (28703 Spain) -3Km of IKEA (40.545847, -3.612012).:-)
Tuner VU+DUO2 20-7-2015 10:30 hora local (8:30 GMT).
10714  =  8.80dB Señal/SNR54% AGC74% BER 0 Channel4 (c4l)
10729  =  8.90dB Señal/SNR55% AGC74% BER 0 e4, Channel4+1
10744  =  8.70dB Señal/SNR53% AGC74% BER 0 RTE One
10758  =  9.60dB Señal/SNR59% AGC74% BER 0 ITV
10773  =  8.60dB Señal/SNR54% AGC74% BER 23 1BBC 1 London
10788  =  9.40dB Señal/SNR58% AGC74% BER 0 BBC 1 Wales
10803  =  8.70dB Señal/SNR54% AGC74% BER 23 BBC 1 Scotland
10817  =  9.40dB Señal/SNR58% AGC74% BER10 BBC 1 Oxford
10832  =  8.70dB Señal/SNR53% AGC74% BER 32 ITV HD
10847  =  9.40dB Señal/SNR58% AGC74% BER 0 BBC One HD
10862  =  8.80dB Señal/SNR54% AGC74% BER 0
10876  =  9.80dB Señal/SNR61% AGC74% BER 0 Nickelodeon
10891  =  8.90dB Señal/SNR55% AGC74% BER 5 ITV +1
10906  =  9.90dB Señal/SNR61% AGC74% BER 0 STV
10935  =  9.60dB Señal/SNR59% AGC74% BER 0 ITV HD
10964  =  9.10dB Señal/SNR56% AGC74% BER 0 Channel 5
10994  =  8.80dB Señal/SNR54% AGC69% BER 36 ITV HD
11022  =  8.90dB Señal/SNR56% AGC69% BER 0 BBC 1 Scot HD
11053  =  0.00dB +++++++++++++++++++ BER 0 20730/20740/ITV2HD/ITV4HD***KO**.
11067  =  9.00dB Señal/SNR56% AGC69% BER 0 ITV Encore HD
11082H22.56= 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 BT Sport / ESPN UK ($) ******NEW
11097V  =  8.30dB Señal/SNR52% AGC69% BER 0 21000/10/20/30 (ITV HD)
11112H22.56= 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 Cartoon Network UK **********NEW
11126  =  8.40dB Señal/SNR53% AGC69% BER 230 Channel 4 HD
11141H22.56= 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 Comedy Central UK +1  *******NEW
11171H22.56= 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 Al Jazeera English (fta) ****NEW
11224V(C2L)= 14.80dB Señal/SNR92% AGC79% BER 0 RT HD
11224H(C1L)= 14.20dB Señal/SNR88% AGC79% BER 0 Greatest Hits
11264H(C1U)= 14.50dB Señal/SNR90% AGC79% BER 0 horror channel
11264V(C2U)= 14.50dB Señal/SNR91% AGC79% BER 0 B4U Music 
11307H(C3 )=  8.80dB Señal/SNR54% AGC69% BER 0
11307V(C3 )=  9.00dB Señal/SNR56% AGC69% BER 0 Flava Bliss Scuzz
11343V(C4 )=  9.10dB Señal/SNR56% AGC69% BER 0 CBS Reality
11344H(C4 )=  8.80dB Señal/SNR54% AGC69% BER 0 E!, E!+1
11386H(C5L)=  8.70dB Señal/SNR54% AGC64% BER 0 xxxxxxxxx (11389H27500 2/3 DVB-S)
11386V(C6L)=  9.10dB Señal/SNR56% AGC69% BER 0 xxxxxxxxx (11390V27500 2/3 DVB-S)
11426V(C6U)=  9.10dB Señal/SNR56% AGC69% BER 0 FRANCE 24 eng
11426H(C5U)=  8.50dB Señal/SNR53% AGC69% BER 0 Fashion One/LBP TV
11464H22.56= 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 CCTV **************************NEW
11479V22.56= 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 TVC News(fta)More Movies+1($)**NEW
11509V22.56= 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 MTV Live HD UK ($) ************NEW
11538V23.23x 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 &TV HD*******************NEW
11553H22.56= 14.80dB Señal/SNR92% AGC79% BER 0 Noor TV UK **************NEW
11568V22.56= 14.80dB Señal/SNR92% AGC79% BER 0 RT English (fta)*********NEW
11582H22.56= 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 ************************ NEW
11597V23.89x 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 BT Sport 1 HD ********** NEW
11672H22.56= 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 ************** NEW
11686V22.56= 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 ************** NEW
11720  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 Lifetime HD
11739V295.34x14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 Syfy UK HD ******** 8.07.2015
11758  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC84% BER 0 Animal Plnt HD
11778  = 14.10dB Señal/SNR88% AGC79% BER 0 TMS (datos => TV)
11797  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 Channel5 HD
11817  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0
11836  = 14.40dB Señal/SNR90% AGC79% BER 0 Sky Action
11856  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 E4 HD
11875  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0
11895  = 14.50dB Señal/SNR90% AGC79% BER 0
11914  = 14.40dB Señal/SNR90% AGC79% BER 0 Pick, cambio=>Disney
11934  = 14.30dB Señal/SNR89% AGC79% BER 0 Sky Intro
11953H275.23=14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0
11992  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 Dave
12012  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 Sky Family HD
12051  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 SONY TV Asia
12070  = 14.80dB Señal/SNR92% AGC79% BER 0 Sky Games (datos)
12090  = 14.80dB Señal/SNR92% AGC79% BER 0
12110  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC79% BER 0 Cartoonito
12148  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC74% BER 0
12168  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC74% BER 0
12188  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC74% BER 0
12207  = 14.70dB Señal/SNR91% AGC74% BER 0 Pick/Pick+1/Sky News
12226H  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC74% BER 0 TCM HD
12246  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC74% BER 0
12265  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC74% BER 0 BabyTV
12285  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC74% BER 0
12324  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC74% BER 0
12344  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC74% BER 0
12363  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC74% BER 0
12382H  = 14.00dB**************Fin Cero  ******** 16-7-2015
12422H  = *********************Fin Cero  ******** 14-7-2015
12441V295.34=14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC69% BER 0 DVB-S2/QPSK HEVC Astra UltraHD Demo
12460  = 14.30dB Señal/SNR90% AGC69% BER 0 Sky Arts 1 HD
12480  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR93% AGC74% BER 0 The Box/Kiss/Kerrang
12515  = 14.00dB **************Fin Cero  ******** 16-7-2015
12520  = 14.00dB **************Fin Cero  ******** 16-7-2015
12522V22534= VU+DUO2 0000 ************************* DATA.
12545  = 14.90dB Señal/SNR92% AGC69% BER 0 ===> Ramadam TV .....Ramadam....Fin
12552V22534= VU+DUO2 0000 ************************* DATA.
Copias tp's fin/end
12604H225.6= 17.00dB ****************Fin Cero  ******** 18-7-2015
12610 0  = 17.00dB ****************Fin Cero  ******** Kiss Magic RT
12633 0  = 17.00dB ****************Fin Cero  ******** Al Jazeera
12640 0  = 16.50dB ****************Fin Cero  ******** TVC News
12663 0  = 16.50dB ****************Fin Cero  ******** Euronews
12670V23.23x=15.50dB ****************Fin Cero  ******** 18-7-2015 &TV HD
I think they're all tp's/Creo que estan todos los tp's.
PD:Buena pesca/Good fishing.


Assembled with recycled parts
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
90cm motorised dishes(98x90)+fixed+multiLNB+24Unicable.
Currently 56 satellites, 61°West to 57°East.

Octagon SF8008 4K Twin, VU+Duo², VU+Ultimo4K.
Recycled as the owner.
My Location
North of Madrid (28703 Spain) -3Km of IKEA (40.545847, -3.612012).:-)
The Astra 2G already almost 28'3º east, at a friend's house adjusted the antenna in December,lost a few weeks ago in 11023H23000 BBC NEWS HD, this morning I tuned in again without problems.
El Astra 2G ya esta casi a 28'3º este, en casa de un amigo ajustada la antena en diciembre, perdio hace unas semanas BBC NEWS HD en 11023H23000, desde esta mañana lo sintoniza de nuevo sin problemas.
Astra2F.- LONGITUDE: 28'12
Astra2E.- LONGITUDE: 28'35
Astra2G.- LONGITUDE: 28'32


It means the signal enhancement in the fixed antennas.
The power antenna, adjusting the satellite without problems.
Se entiende la mejora de señal en las antenas fijas.
Con la antena motorizada, ajustando al satelite, sin problemas.


Pride Of Cucamonga

Regular Member
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Cheap piece of junk Spanish (Tecatel) 120cm(x110) dish, Inverto Ultra twin LNB and Sky HD box.
My Location
Valencia (city)
With Astra 2E confirmed at 28.5 and 2F/G at 28.2, is the optimal position for my dish in Valencia around 28.35, or should i aim closer to 28.5 to minimise interference from BADR? Also, reports from Huevos suggest 2F is slightly stronger here than 2E.



Regular Member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
1.8m PF 28.2E, 61cm 19.2E+13E, 34cm 5W, 1.25m PF motorized
mirage 1704HD, DM500S, skystar USB, Sathunter sh200
My Location
Portalegre, Portugal
I would aim at 2G being in the middle, but what I usually end up doing is making a list with the channels I want to receive, and maximise those, not caring much at the theoretical maximum

I usually have a minimum around lunch hour, and all channels including HD after dinner
I'm shopping for a new vu+ receiver that will allow me to plot some nice graphs, this Mirage doesn't even show the SNR values :(
Last edited:


Dazed and Confused Admin
Staff member
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
-----------See sig-----------
My Location
Wirral, NW UK and Vaucluse, France.
I think the 28.5 figure is misleading for Astra satellites. Their centre of box position is 28.2; 28.5 was the position for Eutelsat birds. My opinion is that you should edge towards 28.2 rather than 28.5. Your present position of 28.35 sounds OK.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Snap's setup: (In Spain) Humax HDR, Prodelin 1.8m dish + Invacom QDF-031 + CM feed, (In UK) CallFlow VDSL + EE 4G, Sky Q, YouView HD, Mac OSX, iOS
My Location
UK: Tonbridge, Kent. Spain: Madrid.
SES Ephemeris data now gives 2E at 28.5º:
EPOCH ARE 28.5014 DEG. E AND 0.0342 DEG. N " (11.08.2015)

An old friend, a former fellow mod on another satellite forum reports 1-2 dB loss since 2E moved to 28.5º on her 1.5 Gibertini, in SE Germany.
There is an additional problem of vertical separation. 2E: 0.034 N 2F: -0.068 N


Staff member
Jul 26, 2003
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
My Satellite Setup
TM 5402HD
Sky+ UK.
My Location
Scottish Borders
Astra 2E is at 28.5E, 2F & 2G are 28.2E

Source - SES own centre of box figures.

Pride Of Cucamonga

Regular Member
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Cheap piece of junk Spanish (Tecatel) 120cm(x110) dish, Inverto Ultra twin LNB and Sky HD box.
My Location
Valencia (city)
The dish is pointed Currently at 28.2 and yet 2E, unscientifically, Seems stronger than ever (28.5 Means Perhaps move to less interference from BADR?)

Thinking about it, why don't SES move all three sats there and make 28.5 the official position?

Pride Of Cucamonga

Regular Member
Oct 20, 2013
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My Satellite Setup
Cheap piece of junk Spanish (Tecatel) 120cm(x110) dish, Inverto Ultra twin LNB and Sky HD box.
My Location
Valencia (city)
Sorry, last post slight gibberish because Chrome was translating to Spanish. Wondering if in areas where BADR is strong, 2E is now performing better at 28.5 - even for dishes pointed at 28.2.

Dave Simpson

Nov 20, 2012
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My Satellite Setup
80cm offset. Invacom Twin LNB
Humax Foxsat HD
Pace DS430N
My Location
Madrid, Retiro
Hi all - I've been watching this forum closely in order to decide whether to install a dish (I have a Humax Freesat receiver) here in the Retiro area of Madrid, but I haven't seen any clear conclusions regarding final position for 2G and reliable signal reports. Can anyone help. Information I've gleaned from comments in this thread would suggest that I might need a 1,5m dish more or less with a decent LNB. Want to get this sorted for the Rugby World Cup :)


Hi all - I've been watching this forum closely in order to decide whether to install a dish (I have a Humax Freesat receiver) here in the Retiro area of Madrid, but I haven't seen any clear conclusions regarding final position for 2G and reliable signal reports. Can anyone help. Information I've gleaned from comments in this thread would suggest that I might need a 1,5m dish more or less with a decent LNB. Want to get this sorted for the Rugby World Cup :)
I think a 1.5m dish would be overkill in your area. Judging by Tururu´s reports on his 98x90 dish, a quality 1m should suffice, however a decent 1.2m would give you more rain margin. Here, Alicante south area I´m getting everything bar 11052H all day with no problem on my motorised 1.2m ( I am actually receiving 11052H at the moment, but it will go off later ) If you put Tururu´s coordinates into G maps it will give you an idea how far you are from him.


Retired moderator
Sep 28, 2005
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My Satellite Setup
Vu+ Duo 4K SE
Dr.HD F15
My Location
Maidenhead, UK & Helsinki, Finland
Here, Alicante south area I´m getting everything bar 11052H all day with no problem on my motorised 1.2m ( I am actually receiving 11052H at the moment, but it will go off later )

11052H is temporarily back to FEC 2/3 so it should be easier to receive again.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2005
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My Satellite Setup
Snap's setup: (In Spain) Humax HDR, Prodelin 1.8m dish + Invacom QDF-031 + CM feed, (In UK) CallFlow VDSL + EE 4G, Sky Q, YouView HD, Mac OSX, iOS
My Location
UK: Tonbridge, Kent. Spain: Madrid.
Hi all - I've been watching this forum closely in order to decide whether to install a dish (I have a Humax Freesat receiver) here in the Retiro area of Madrid, but I haven't seen any clear conclusions regarding final position for 2G and reliable signal reports. Can anyone help. Information I've gleaned from comments in this thread would suggest that I might need a 1,5m dish more or less with a decent LNB. Want to get this sorted for the Rugby World Cup :)
You need a good quality 120cm dish. This is adequate for all channels, including BBC & ITV. LNB: Inverto Black Ultra or Invacom Quad C120 (QDF-031).
Ignore comments which recommend 150cm, this is overkill for Madrid. I've installed two dishes of this size in the Madrid area in the past year. 120 cm also provides rain margin.


11052H is temporarily back to FEC 2/3 so it should be easier to receive again.
It´s right on the limit for the VU+, so it is breaking up quite a bit, floating between 7.8 and 8.1 dB, VU+ needs 8dB to be stable. 11097 float between 8.4 and 8.9 dB so stays stable all day.


You need a good quality 120cm dish. This is adequate for all channels, including BBC & ITV. LNB: Inverto Black Ultra or Invacom Quad C120 (QDF-031).
Ignore comments which recommend 150cm, this is overkill for Madrid. I've installed two dishes of this size in the Madrid area in the past year. 120 cm also provides rain margin.
Not too sure about the Inverto BU single 40mm we use a lot on the offset dishes here. Not as good as they used to be, see my comments in the following thread where I have been testing the new Laminas 1.2m dishes I have.

Advice Needed - Problems with new motorised set-up


Assembled with recycled parts
Jun 3, 2006
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My Satellite Setup
90cm motorised dishes(98x90)+fixed+multiLNB+24Unicable.
Currently 56 satellites, 61°West to 57°East.

Octagon SF8008 4K Twin, VU+Duo², VU+Ultimo4K.
Recycled as the owner.
My Location
North of Madrid (28703 Spain) -3Km of IKEA (40.545847, -3.612012).:-) in the Retiro area of Madrid, but I haven't seen any clear conclusions regarding final position for 2G and reliable signal reports. Can anyone help. Information I've gleaned from comments in this thread would suggest that I might need a 1,5m dish more or less with a decent LNB. Want to get this sorted for the Rugby World Cup :)
I am a rare case, it seems I'm at the point of maximum signal in Madrid, according to standard, the antenna is 90cm high quality (90x98cm are 94cm of floor space), I'm not useful as a reference, better minimum 120-130cm.

Personally I would put an antenna quality, if you can, better than 150cm, do not run short and smooth supports bad weather and / or poor quality antennas.

From the Parque del Retiro, I'm about 18KM +/- (according coordinates).
Adjust the antenna for maximum signal offset satellite position.

For channels that I see / hear without problems, 24Hours/7days, more better antenna.
The friend "The Master", install 150cm their clients to avoid problems with bad weather.
As always, it's your money.
Soy un caso raro, parece que estoy en el punto de maxima señal en Madrid, segun norma, la antena es de 90cm de muy buena calidad (90x98cm, son 94cm de superficie util), no soy util como referencia, mejor minimo 120-130cm.

Personalmente pondria una antena de calidad, si puedes, mejor de 150cm, no te quedas corto y soporta sin problemas el mal tiempo y/o antenas de mala calidad.

Desde el Parque del Retiro, estoy a unos 18KM +/- (segun coordenadas).
Ajusto la antena a maxima señal compensado la posicion del satelite.

Para los canales que veo/escucho, sin problemas, para 24Horas/7Dias, mejor mas antena.
El amigo "elMaestro", instala a sus clientes 150cm para no tener problemas con el mal tiempo.
Como siempre, es tú dinero.

As you say that reports are unreliable, have some photos of years.

Como dices que los reportes no son fiables, dejo unas fotos de hace años.

PS: As you want to see.? Right or wrong./Como lo quieres ver.? Bien o mal.:-doh


  • Astra_2D_BBC_HD_2011.jpg
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  • Astra_2D_STV_34SNR_2011.jpg
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I am a rare case, it seems I'm at the point of maximum signal in Madrid, according to standard, the antenna is 90cm high quality (90x98cm are 94cm of floor space), I'm not useful as a reference, better minimum 120-130cm.

Personally I would put an antenna quality, if you can, better than 150cm, do not run short and smooth supports bad weather and / or poor quality antennas.

From the Parque del Retiro, I'm about 18KM +/- (according coordinates).
Adjust the antenna for maximum signal offset satellite position.

For channels that I see / hear without problems, 24Hours/7days, more better antenna.
The friend "The Master", install 150cm their clients to avoid problems with bad weather.
As always, it's your money.
Soy un caso raro, parece que estoy en el punto de maxima señal en Madrid, segun norma, la antena es de 90cm de muy buena calidad (90x98cm, son 94cm de superficie util), no soy util como referencia, mejor minimo 120-130cm.

Personalmente pondria una antena de calidad, si puedes, mejor de 150cm, no te quedas corto y soporta sin problemas el mal tiempo y/o antenas de mala calidad.

Desde el Parque del Retiro, estoy a unos 18KM +/- (segun coordenadas).
Ajusto la antena a maxima señal compensado la posicion del satelite.

Para los canales que veo/escucho, sin problemas, para 24Horas/7Dias, mejor mas antena.
El amigo "elMaestro", instala a sus clientes 150cm para no tener problemas con el mal tiempo.
Como siempre, es tú dinero.

As you say that reports are unreliable, have some photos of years.

Como dices que los reportes no son fiables, dejo unas fotos de hace años.

PS: As you want to see.? Right or wrong./Como lo quieres ver.? Bien o mal.:-doh
Ah! El Maestro!
I seem to remember he weighs less than the dish! But, no doubt, knows his job and the area. Worth getting advice from a local, but still think good quality 1.2m will suffice